Split File
This little example shows how to use the GetFileAsString example for creating a little program to split a big text file into chunks of fixed number of rows.
View ArticleJDK7: Using buffered IO for files in java
If you have read my previous article about NIO.2 "The power of java 7 NIO.2 (JSR 203) (important concepts)" you will get the full understanding and an overall idea about the new NIO.2 features...
View ArticleScanner I/O | Camelcode.org
The problem with learning console I/O is that it's almost totally useless in a real GUI program. The Scanner class is only available in Java 5 and beyond, and doing standard console input without...
View ArticleNiklas' Blog: Java 7: NIO.2 I/O operations on asynchronous channels are not...
This part of my NIO.2 series wasn't on schedule when I started writing about NIO.2 aasynchronous file channels. It deals with an important detail: read and write operations are not atomic. What that...
View ArticleMechanical Sympathy: Java Sequential IO Performance
Many applications record a series of events to file-based storage for later use. This can be anything from logging and auditing, through to keeping a transaction redo log in an event sourced design or...
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